Episode 34: The Craft of Machinima (feat. 0n3Appl3 of Corrupted Films)

Loryn and Raph interview 0n3Appl3 of Corrupted Films about taste, producing machinimas, composing, programming, and the future of Corrupted Films.


Corrupted Films: https://corruptedfilms.appl3pvp.com/

Beyond: An Edeneth Story (Minecraft Machinima): https://youtu.be/j73gS_WL-Zw?si=4V_UZqXMnBvyeO6P

Droidema (Minecraft Machinima): https://youtu.be/8r322_g8wM4?si=h9Va8_4CB7BFJRbj

Corrupted Films Twitter: https://twitter.com/corrupted_films

Corrupted Films Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corrupted_films/


Special Guest 0n3Appl3: https://twitter.com/real0n3Appl3

Website: https://www.pachecoprojects.com/

Edited by Loryn Pacheco

Mixed by Raphael Pacheco

Theme Music by Mono Memory: https://fanlink.to/monomemorymusic