Episode 5: The Will Smith Slappening (feat. Cyber Rosaic)

Loryn, Raphael, and special guest Cyber Rosaic discuss the results of the 94th Academy Awards, and the now infamous slap from Will Smith to Chris Rock.

Will Smith Slap Posing: https://twitter.com/owenferny/status/1508490141383507973?s=20&t=Xh1FZcGDR-UtPc_O8QZ7UQ

Life After Pi: https://youtu.be/9lcB9u-9mVE


Special Guest Cyber Rosaic: https://twitter.com/cyber_rosaic

Website: https://www.pachecoprojects.com/

Edited by Loryn Pacheco

Mixed by Raphael Pacheco

Theme Music by Mono Memory: https://twitter.com/monomemory85